Business Licence Application under By-Law 42-2008
This application form is to be used for business owners in the City of Burlington to be licensed under the Business Licensing By-law 042-2008.
Submission Standards
Please review the required supporting documents needed for each type of licence on the Business Licences webpage before beginning the application process. You will be asked and required to submit the documents during this online application process.
All businesses will require:
1. Zoning Clearance Certificate. (Please call us at 905-335-7731 extension 7469 if you need help locating the Zoning Clearance Certificate number.)
2. A copy of the business name registration. This can be obtained from the ServiceOntario website ( and if applicable Articles of Incorporation.

3. Documentation that demonstrates the applicatnt's right to possess or occupy the premises. (lease agreement or a letter from the property owner)
4. Payment for Business Licence Applicaiton Fee
Please have the required documents ready to upload with the proper "File Naming Conventions". Each file in the electronic permit application package shall be named according to the conventions specified below:
- "Articles" - Business Name Registration (and Articles of Incorporation if applicable)
- "Lease" - Documentation that demonstrates the applicant's right to possess or occupy the premises (signed lease or franchise agreement; letter/email from property owner)
- "Health" - Inspection letter dated within the last 90 days, issued and signed by the Medical Officer of Health or designate confirming that all necessary inspections have been completed and the Business is in compliance with the requirements of the Region of Halton Health Department. (Health Department #: 905-825-6000 ext 0 ask for Health Department.)
- "Site Plan" - Square footage and description of the establishment/event (detailed floor plan drawings of establishment/event).
- "Liquor Licence" - A copy of the Liquor Licence for the premises issued by the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario.
- "List of Goods" - Full descrioption of a list of goods, wares, merchandise for sale.
- "Insurance" - General Liabiltiy Insurance (minimum of $2,000,000.00).
- "LOA" - Letter from woner of the property providing written permission to allow the Sale of Fireworks on the premises.
- "Security fee" - $2,000.00 security fee (Pawn Broker Only).
- "Ownership" - Ownership for motorized vehicle.
- "TSSA Certificate" - An Inspection Certificate of the Mobile Food Service Equipment by a Technical Standards & Safety Authority certified gas technician indicating equipment is safe for use. The documentation must be dated within the last fifteen ( 15) days prior to the date of Refreshment Vehicle applicationlrenewal.
- "Safety" - Safety Standard Ce1tificate issued by Ministry of Transportation approved Motor Vehicle Inspection Station for each Motor Vehicle to be used.
- "Amusement Devices" - list of all amusement devices to be operated at the proposed Carnival.
- "TSSA Licence" - A copy of a valid and current licence to carry on business in Ontario issued by the Technical Standard & Safety Authority.
- "TSSA Permit" - A copy of the Amusement Device Permit issued by the Technical Standards Safety Authority, or its successor for each ride.
- "Police LOA" - A letter from the Halton Regional Police Chief or designate indicating that adequate police protection will be provided for the Festival.
Notice of Collection
Personal Personal information contained on this form is collected under the authority of the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, c. 25 and will be used for the purposes of administering your request for, and use of, a Business Licence and to ensure compliance with the City of Burlington Business Licensing By-Law 42-2008. Questions about this collection should be directed to the Questions about this collection should be directed to the Manager, Licensing and Administration, Phone: 905-335-7600, ext. 7886.